I love these types of assessments for two reasons:
- They offer reminders of key areas that need self-reflection and evaluation.
For instance, I'm not naturally a super encouraging person, so I have to work hard at being an intentional encourager. When I am forced to assess my encourgement of others, I am reminded of the need to be an encourager and challenged to do better. Just taking the assessment can be a spiritual self-examination even before the results are tallied. - The results often give unique and helpful insights.
According to the Six Styles leadership categories, I am a Missional Leader who "has an amazing gift of helping people see what God could accomplish if they left their safety zone and stepped out in faith on a new venture."
Here are some other insights about my leadership style:
You are strongest in Strategy, your Intermediate leg is Spirituality, while your weaker leg is Chemistry.
- The Missional Leader is gifted by God to foresee the spiritual vision needed for the immediate future. They call people to follow a deeper Gospel, while multiplying disciples and new expressions of the mission of God.
- You are best described as being gifted at multiplying. Your best fruitfulness comes through reproducing other leaders to start and flourish in new ministries and locations.
- Moses, Nehemiah and Paul are three Biblical examples of the Missional Leaders.
- The Missional Leader needs to give special attention to developing People Sensitivity. Their strong task orientation may keep them from slowing down and empathizing with people.
Sounds about right. Sure, it's nothing earth shattering or insights I had no clue about before, but it is a good reminder. I could see this being a useful evaluation tool for church leadership teams or an annual self-assessment for the lone pastor of a smaller church. The Apostle Paul warned believers to be honest in self-evaluation in Rom. 12:3. This seems to be a good metric to assist in that effort.
Note: If you preach at all, take the Senior Pastor assessment as it has extra questions for the preaching pastor.