

  • What if Christians intentionally sought out the lonely at church and everywhere?

  • In Designed to Lead, authors Eric Geiger and Kevin Peck unpack their conviction that the church should be the greatest platform for developing leaders.

  • I'm beginning a two week study leave. Basically, continuing ed for a pastor. Along the way, I'll post what I learn and develop.

  • While the saber rattling makes for great news headlines, we need to be reminded of the very real human impact this regime continues to have on its subjects.

  • God did not give the church leaders to do the work of the ministry. God gave the church leaders to equip others to do the work of the ministry.

  • Balance in life and ministry is so important. It's not a myth, it's just seasonal. It looks different at different times of life and times of the year.

  • How I study the Bible with a tablet and a digital pen.

  • We engage in ministry frequently, preferring regular activity and connection with people to large, occasional events.

  • We welcome changes in ministry practices and plans because we will never reach perfection on this earth.

  • Our highest priority is to glorify God by loving Him, interacting with Him, and serving Him.

  • 12 powerful ministry principles adapted from software developers.

  • Notes from the Leadership Pipeline Conference in 2016.

  • Constructive criticism is important! If there were no negative feedback in our lives we would never know our weaknesses and learn where we need to grow.

  • We can’t control what other people say to us but we can control our response.

  • Some opinions are worth listening to and seriously considering. Some are worth about what they cost to share.

  • Word Runner has been my primary Bible reading tool for the last few days and I’ve noticed three distinct benefits...

  • One of the great challenges facing the church today is raising up excellent Bible teachers.

    stevesaintAfter spending several years directing a missions program and working with impoverished communities and orphanages around the world, I've seen the damage that enablement can cause. We want to help, and our first reaction is to help in material ways. Unfortunately, this generally undermines the way in which God wants to help people. He wants to teach them, not simply provide for them. He wants them to learn character and maturity, not make life easier. 


    This holds true for both missions work internationally and benevolence work locally. The role of Christians is not only to provide resources to people who claim to have need, but to get involved in their lives and learn what are their real needs. Needs often present themselves as material, but are actually relational. Certainly, there are times when real material needs demand real material action. But by defaulting to that position because it is easier for us or makes us feel better, we are simply slapping a bandaid on the problem. Instead, we need to get ot the heart of the matter. That takes time. It's uncomfortable and sometimes awkward. But it is the right way to help people without hurting them.


    Watch as Steve Saint makes this point after falling on stage while speaking. 



    The follow up conversations to the Undivided message have been encouraging! It is neat to see God working in people's hearts to recognize places of miscategorized beliefs and have open conversations about disagreements over convictions and preferences.


    One thing I did not have time to share in the message is a series of questions that help identify where a certain belief should fall in the categories. In the last week, many people have brought up various issues to ask where they should fall among the four buckets. This video is a way to share those questions a bit of context for each one that I hope will be a helpful follow up to the message on beliefs.

  • cross-generational-discipleshipI’m currently teaching a course on Outreach and Disciple-Making at Heritage in which we are laying the groundwork for a life on mission for Christ. One of the questions raised multiple times was how older believers can effectively mentor younger ones.

    It’s not a new question for me, I’ve been asked this several times over the last few years. There are some universal principles about discipleship that certainly apply here. Principles about relationships, living life together, and intentionality.

    But as I observed a number of cross-generational discipleship efforts over the last few years, I found several specialized principles to be applicable to this type of disciple-making.

Adam Bowers Profile

Adam Bowers

Disciple of Jesus, husband of Jenny, father of 3 awesome kids, Senior Pastor at First Free Church, passionate about growing God's kingdom by developing influencers for Jesus.I still use parts of this site for various ministry purposes even though I haven't written a blog post in a long time!