

  • Balance in life and ministry is so important. It's not a myth, it's just seasonal. It looks different at different times of life and times of the year.

  • workflowy

    This is a nifty tool. Not sure if I will use it much yet but a lot of productivity people seem to really like it.


    It is billed as a way to organize your life. I currently use Last Pass, Evernote, Google Drive, and GQueues for that purpose. I use Last Pass for secure things like passwords and codes; Evernote for a notes database (including sermon illustrations and journaling); Google Drive for docs, scans, writing drafts, preaching and teaching outlines, etc; and GQueues for tasks and projects. I don't currently use a Gantt or Mind Map tool because I found them more trouble to keep updated than they were worth for me. And I could accomplish most of the same things with other tools. I do value Mind Mapping for collaborative brainstorming but try to get the conclusions into a more useful linear format as quickly as possible.

Adam Bowers Profile

Adam Bowers

Disciple of Jesus, husband of Jenny, father of 3 awesome kids, Senior Pastor at First Free Church, passionate about growing God's kingdom by developing influencers for Jesus.I still use parts of this site for various ministry purposes even though I haven't written a blog post in a long time!