This Sunday I'm preaching a message called "Authentic." We'll examine the problems with hypocritical believers who wear masks of "super pseudo spirituality" and look at what it means to be an authentic Christian. In the course of studying for this sermon, I discovered a test written by Kevin McConaghy which I have adapted and expanded upon below. Give it a shot and see how you stack up!
This all started with a group called United in Purpose that collects data about millions of US consumers and uses a points system to identify those likely to be Christians. An NPR story reports that a score of over 600 means you are likely a believer. Points are awarded for things like attending church, homeschooling, being on anti-abortion mailing lists, and liking NASCAR.
Of course, the test below is purely satire. For a good study on what it means to be an authentic Christian, read 1 John 1-5 and Revelation 2-3. You'll see positive and negative examples that help us to see what it means to "walk in the light" and be a light in a dark world. Also read John 17 while you're at it for an understanding of what it means to be in the world but not of the world. Jesus says His disciples are to shine as lights in the dark world into which He is sending them.
In case it isn't 100% clear, this is satire, and should not be taken seriously. For a good understanding of Christianity and having an authentic walk with Christ, read the book of 1 John then go through Philippians. Both are full of wonderful insights and examples!