Does the Bible have anything to say about technical productions? It sure does! Of course, not using those words. Technical Productions is just the modern day version of what has been going on for thousands of years: communicating a message in the most effective way currently possible.
In the New Testament era, roads built by the Roman Empire were one of the most amazing technological advances of the day. Paul and other Christian apologists used behind-the-scenes messengers to harness this technology and spread the message of the gospel faster than ever possible before.
Back even further, the prophets of the Old Testament used the written word to communicate effectively, spread their message, and record it for future generations. I wonder if they realized the words they wrote would still be available thousands of years later!
So what does the Bible have to say about Technical Productions?
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.” - Isaiah 52:7 (ESV)In Technical Productions, you bring good news, you publish peace, you broadcast news of happiness, and you publicize salvation. You let people know that our God reigns and point people to the salvation and supernatural peace that only comes from Him.
Don't ever think that your role in Technical Productions isn't important! It is the best means we have today to share the hope of God with many people at once. Isaiah had the written word, Paul had that plus advanced roads, and we have cameras, sound systems, and the internet. We should approach Technical Productions with a dedication that reflects how God views those who spread His message.